A must-see centre, highly profitable and run like a well-oiled machine. Top staff culture attracting the best educators who love to work in a modern and well-located centre.
• Over 100 places
• Centre has 89% occupancy and close to $3 mil turnover
• Strong forward bookings for 2025
• Fees approx. $140 per day and substantial kinder funding from Vic Government
• Rent per place $2,500 per annum considered under market for fee level
• New purpose-built single level facility with exceptional play areas, perfectly maintained and lots of ancillary areas and unique features
• Primary school very close by, this centre is the go-to centre in the catchment
• Easily managed remotely with experienced nominated supervisors running the centre day to day, owner can have as much or as little involvement as they wish
For Sale by Expression of Interest
Approved providers, enquire now to add this premium business to your portfolio. Contact Celestine Eramo 0408 111 383 to receive a detailed information memorandum.
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